Report – Group of Barcelona members working to overthrow Joan Laporta

3 weeks ago 9

According to a report from La Vanguardia, a new and growing group of members opposed to the management of Joan Laporta’s board of directors will make themselves known publicly this summer with the aim of alerting Barcelona’s supporters to what they consider to be an ‘emergency’ situation.

The group, led by Joan Camprubí Montal, has been holding meetings for more than two years but has decided to act now to ‘save the club’ as its members believe that ‘all the indicators show that Barça is in a critical state’.

Camprubí is the grandson of Agustí Montal (president of Barcelona between 1969 and 1977), and the great-grandson of Agustí Montal i Galobart (president between 1946 and 1952).

He is joined by other notable members like Joan Roca, Sam Judez, Gerard Birbe, Carlos Gallofré, Albert Rosés, Georgina Sánchez, Miro Molins, Marta Pascual, Jordi Roche, and Evarist Murtra.

The decision to appear on the scene responds to the need to put pressure on the current board to prevent the, in their opinion, economic, sporting, social and institutional drift from endangering the current ownership model of the club, a red line in their view.

Laporta facing opposition from Barcelona members. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

Although Laporta has repeatedly denied the possibility of converting the club into a public limited company, sources in this group recall that the president has had to back down on other issues despite proclaiming the opposite, for example, the continuity of Leo Messi.

Possibility of a no-confidence vote

The report further adds that the rebel group are also considering launching a no-confidence vote but they understand that it is very complex to do so at the moment because they cannot count on Camp Nou to mobilise the members and because of the economic risk involved in paralysing the management of the club.

But they do not rule it out at all because it is a statutory mechanism at the service of the members and because they detect in the current board a sense of an end of cycle that could come before the summer of 2026, when Laporta’s term of office comes to an end.

In this sense, members of this group assure that they will be very attentive to the economic closure of the current season, the evolution of the transfer market and the next assembly of delegates.

‘The priority objective is to put an end to the current mandate as soon as possible and for that, it is necessary to activate, raise awareness and bring together the maximum number of Barcelonistas and supervise the government’s actions’, a source from the group said.

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