REVIEW: Halftime Heat 2019: Dusting Off The Classic

4 months ago 43

Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews. I’ve been reviewing wrestling shows for over twelve years now and have reviewed over 6,000 shows. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be posting a new review here on It could be anything from modern WWE to old school to indies to anything in between. Note that I rate using letters instead of stars and I don’t rate matches under three minutes as really, how good or bad can something that short be?

Halftime Heat

Date: February 3, 2019

Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Shawn Michaels, Vic Joseph

So since the four hours of content enough yesterday, we’ll take a look at this quick show here, which is comprised of one match from the NXT crew. That’s not the worst idea in the world, and since it’s just a quick thing that isn’t even half an hour, it’s hard to get too annoyed over the whole thing. Let’s get to it.

Aleister Black/Velveteen Dream/Ricochet vs. Adam Cole/Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa

There’s no waiting around here as we get straight to the match. Makes sense as this match is literally the only thing on the show. Dream of course is in football themed gear, because that’s how he rolls. Johnny and Ricochet start things off and I begin to smile. Johnny’s headlock doesn’t last very long as Ricochet nips up and flips to his feet to counter a hurricanrana. The always good dropkick has the fans into things even more, which is quite the feat.

Cole comes in so Ricochet spins around him as well before handing it off to Black. The strikes start fast and it’s off to Ciampa, who is fast/smart enough to duck. Dream gets the tag and runs Ciampa over as they’re certainly moving out there. With Dream down in a three point stance, Ciampa blasts him in the face to take over for the first time. Dream goes to the air for some ax handles though and the villains bail to the floor, leaving the other three to strike their poses.

Back in and Gargano hits the slingshot spear to take over on Dream but a superkick takes Cole down. Dream is holding his knee but manages to tag in Ricochet anyway, meaning the kicks and flips are back on. The Gargano Escape is escaped and Black comes in for the sliding knee to the face. There’s the middle rope moonsault to the floor as they haven’t stopped so far. Ricochet dropkicks Ciampa to the floor and there’s the big flip dive, with Ricochet jumping over Gargano’s slingshot sear attempt.

The fans (including Oney Lorcan and various other wrestlers sprinkled here and there) are rather pleased until Cole gets in a superkick to Black to slow things down again. Johnny adds the slingshot DDT to Ricochet but Dream kicks him down for two more. Ricochet has to fight off Gargano and Cole, which actually works for a bit until Cole superkicks his moonsault out of the air (with some pinpoint accuracy in a great visual).

Everyone slugs it out, pauses for a minute, and then slug it out again for a strong reaction. Gargano hits a reverse hurricanrana on Ricochet, leaving Dream to suplex Ciampa (and himself) to the floor. Cole’s middle rope Canadian Destroyer (still waiting until WWE realizes that’s a piledriver) for a crazy close two on Ricochet.

The villains surround Ricochet for a double superkick/running knee to the back of the head combination with Black having to make another save. Dream comes back in and says bring it, only to walk into a double superkick. Black breaks up the Fairy Tale Ending and there’s Black Mass to Gargano. Another hits Cole and it’s the Dream Driver into the 450 into the Purple Rainmaker for the pin at 16:15.

Overall Rating: A-. It’s just one match so there’s no need to do a rating for the match and the show as a whole. This was VERY entertaining stuff as all six were working hard and had a fun match, which gave you something a little better than a Maroon 5 concert. The right person got the pin on the right person, making this not only a lot of fun, but well done. I could go for more things like this, if nothing else just for a quick surprise.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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