Ring Of Honor Results – June 6, 2024

3 months ago 23

Ring Of Honor

Date: June 6, 2024

Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada

Commentators Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

For the first time in far too long, we have a title match this week with Kyle Fletcher defending the TV Title against Dalton Castle. That alone feels like a major match and that is more than you usually get around here. Hopefully we get something else to balance things out a bit though you never can tell. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Queen Aminata vs. Mazzerati

They fight over a lockup to start until Aminata snaps off a suplex. A running leg attack knocks Mazzerati into the ropes and there’s a big kick to make it worse. With Mazzerati tied up in the ropes, Aminata hits a heck of a running dropkick and the Air Raid Crash finishes at 3:26.

Result: Queen Aminata b. Mazzerati – Air Raid Crash (3:26)

Dalton Castle looks rather relieved and apologizes to Lexi Nair for everything he has put her through lately. Johnny TV comes in to accuse Castle of stealing his sunglasses, but Castle says he has no qualm (or whatever the word is, as Castle isn’t sure) with TV. They argue over whose plans are bigger, with Lexi and Taya Valkyrie saying those are huge.

Marina Shafir vs. Amira

They circle each other to start until a kick to the chest drops Amira. She tries to kick Shafir away but gets a cartwheel instead. A suplex sets up a reverse sleeper to finish Amira at 1:45.

Result: Marina Shafir b. Amira – Reverse sleeper (1:45)

TV Title: Dalton Castle vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher is defending and this is about seventeen minutes into the show, third from the start rather than the main event. They fight over a test of strength to start, with Fletcher quickly bailing out to the floor. Back in and Castle grabs a DDT, sending Fletcher bailing back to the floor. Fletcher knocks him hard off the apron for a crash to the floor, followed by chopping and taunting in the corner.

Castle fights back and takes him down by the arm for a needed breather. Some rolling throws have Fletcher in more trouble but he goes up, only to get crotched down. Castle hits a running knee and they’re back on the floor. Fletcher is fine enough to grab a half nelson slam to plant Castle for a change, followed by a brainbuster for two back inside. They fight over the piledriver and Bang A Rang until it’s an exchange of rollups for two each. Fletcher hits a superkick into the piledriver to retain at 12:20.

Result: Kyle Fletcher b. Dalton Castle – Piledriver (12:20)

Infantry vs. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts

Trish Adora is here with the Infantry. Comoroto backs Bravo into the corner to start but it’s a double hiptoss to take him down. Back up and Comoroto skins the cat for a nice power display but Walls still doesn’t want to tag in. Dean flips out of a belly to back suplex and hands it back to Bravo for a kick to the face in the corner. Watts does at least break up Boot Camp, earning him a knock to the floor. Comoroto hits a double clothesline but walks into a double superkick. A frog splash gives Dean the pin at 4:04.

Result: Infantry b. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts – Frog splash to Comoroto (4:04)

Lee Johnson challenges Kyle Fletcher for a TV Title shot. Fletcher comes in and towers over Johnson, saying he has to get to the back of the line. Johnson has lost to him twice, but he believes he can beat Fletcher 2/3 falls. The champ is in.

Billie Starkz vs. Zamaya

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Zamaya wins or lasts the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Starkz takes her down for some taunting shots to the head, followed by a release German suplex. They head outside with Starkz sending her into the barricade for some hard stomping. Back in and Starkz kicks her down, setting up the Swanton for the pin at 3:29.

Result: Billie Starkz b. Zamaya – Swanton Bomb (3:29)

Post match Red Velvet comes in to scare Starkz off but Queen Aminata comes in to send her back inside so Velvet can get in some revenge for last week’s attack.

Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Johnny TV vs. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages vs. Dark Order

Silver and Jameson have a pose off before the bell and Jameson jumps him for not getting the proper crowd reaction. Bronson comes in to elbow Uno in the face as commentary goes into a Who’s On First routine. Everything breaks down fast and Garrison/Karter get to pose.

We settle down to Uno getting stomped down in the corner, with Garrison/Karter mocking the Dark Order’s tagging technique. Uno finally slips over for the rather cold to Reynolds for the house cleaning. Everything breaks down again and TV helps his partners up for some staggering poses. The Savages are back up to clear things out but Reynolds dives off the top with a cutter. The Order breaks that up and hit the triple flipping slam to pin Jameson at 6:07.

Result: Dark Order b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Johnny TV and Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Triple flipping slam to Jameson (6:07)


Queen Aminata b. Mazzerati – Air Raid Crash

Marina Shafir b. Amira – Reverse sleeper

Kyle Fletcher b. Dalton Castle – Piledriver

Infantry b. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts – Frog splash to Comoroto

Billie Starkz b. Zamaya – Swanton Bomb

Dark Order b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Johnny TV and Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Triple flipping slam to Jameson

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