Scotty 2 Hotty: Too Cool Was Told To Dress Like The Kids Were Dressing In The Malls

3 hours ago 3

Scotty 2 Hotty joked that it might not be too late for Too Cool to get canceled for what they wore during the Attitude Era.

Scotty formed a team with Grand Master Sexay, and they were named Too Cool. Rikishi later joined them, and they were known for their loud outfits.

Speaking on Hey! (EW), Scotty 2 Hotty was asked about Too Cool’s attire during the Attitude Era.

“The idea was, they wanted us to start dressing similar to what The Hardy Boyz were doing, with the street clothes,” Scotty said. “The only direction we got was, ‘Dress like the kids are dressing in the malls.’ So we took it and ran with it.”

RJ City joked they just missed the cut-off of being able to get canceled, considering what they were wearing.

“I think looking back on it now, we might be able to still get canceled,” Scotty replied.

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