Shots Seemingly Fired at Donald Trump Rally, Former President Rushed Away by Secret Service

2 months ago 21

Shots Seemingly Fired at Donald Trump Rally, Former President Rushed Away by Secret Service

Gunfire seemingly erupted during a Donald Trump political campaign event in Pennsylvania, and the former president was rushed offstage by his secret service detail.

The 78-year-old politician was speaking in Butler, Pennsylvania when the sound of gunfire was heard from the audience.

A video circulating on X (formerly Twitter) from the event shows that security rushed Donald as attendees were urged to get down. He was taken offstage.

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Another video on X shows that Donald appeared to have blood on his face as he was escorted away He appeared to be capable of walking on his own and pumped his fist toward the audience, who cheered him on.

It is not yet clear the extent of Donald‘s injury. However, the blood appeared to be coming from his right ear.

ABC reported that Donald was escorted from the venue and taken away in a vehicle.

This is still a developing story, and we will update you as we learn more.

We hope that everyone is safe.

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