WWE Hall Of Famer Eric Bischoff Offers Thoughts On Who Killed WCW? Series

5 days ago 4

Eric Bischoff proclaiming his innocence

Jason Kempin/Getty Images

After four weeks, the docuseries "Who Killed WCW?" finally wrapped up its run of Vice TV, offering fans yet another theory as to why the former wrestling powerhouse closed its doors in 2001. And aside from having to hear Vince Russo's voice in the third episode, Eric Bischoff is very happy with how things wrapped, heaping praise on the series' final episode during this week's edition of "83 Weeks."


"I'll be honest, I really enjoyed [it]," Bischoff said. "This finale was f*****g awesome. It was so well produced. The stories, the editing they were using to kind of highlight and bring to life some of the otherwise little bit boring dialog. Talking about business is not generally appealing to the mass audience, unless you make it interesting. And they did such a great job of making it interesting. Really, really well done."

Bischoff's views aren't shared by everyone, with some like Kevin Nash being critical of docuseries, despite participating in it, while others believe the series was skewed too much towards BIschoff's perspective. In the end, it doesn't matter much to Bischoff, who feels the series has left him at peace with WCW's demise.


"I know people may even want to listen or want to believe in my perspective, but I'm just one guy," Bischoff said. "And now, to have the executives that were part of it, on camera, and hearing from them firsthand, to me it's closure. Like, if I never have another conversation again about what happened with WCW, that's fine with me. I'm happy to talk about it if it comes up, but if it doesn't come up? I'm good man. Nothing left to talk about. I think this series put a period at the end of the sentence for me at least."

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