WWE King And Queen Of The Ring: Cody Rhodes vs. Logan Paul Result

4 months ago 26

Cody Rhodes retained his Undisputed WWE Championship this afternoon at WWE King and Queen of the Ring.

The finish saw Rhodes block the brass knuckle shot and hit Logan Paul with three consecutive CrossRhodes to retain his championship.

WWE King and Queen of the Ring results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul

Rhodes and Paul feel each other out. Rhodes gains an early advantage. Paul and Rhodes trade blows. Cody dumps Logan with a suplex. Paul evades a crossbody, sending Rhodes to the outside, and Cody dives onto him. The challenger takes control with some strikes and dumps Cody with an inverted powerbomb. He hits a standing moonsault. Cody catches Paul with an arm drag off the top rope.

Rhodes rocks Paul with a Disaster Kick. Paul gets a bottle of PRIME at ringside and drinks from it. One of Paul’s PRIME allies distracts Rhodes. Another member of the team gives Paul his brass knuckles, and he hits Cody. Michael Cole calls Rhodes a loser on commentary, and Paul gets in his face. Rhodes dives onto Paul at ringside. Cody fires up with a flurry of offense and hits Paul with a Bionic Elbow. He traps Paul in the Figure-Four leglock. Cody hits the Cody Cutter for a two-count.

The closing moments…

Paul catches Rhodes with a Cross Rhodes for a two-count. Paul sends Rhodes to the outside. He goes for a Pedigree on the commentary table, but Rhodes fights out of it. He hits a Cody Cutter onto the announce table. Paul rallies and drills Cody with a knockout punch at ringside. He puts Cody on the commentary table and hits a Frog Splash through the table. Back in the ring, he hits another frog splash for a two-count. Paul says he hates Cody. The referee gets knocked down, and Rhodes hits the Verte-breaker. Paul hits Rhodes below the belt. He goes to hit Rhodes with the brass knuckles, but Ibrahim Al Hajjaj stops him. Cody hits multiple Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner and still Undisputed WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes

READ MORE: The Undertaker: Cody Rhodes Is An Example Of Motivation And Not Being Content 

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave King and Queen of the Ring with the Undisputed WWE Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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