Yung Joc Speaks On Wife Threatening Divorce Over Cheating Allegations

7 months ago 65

Yung Joc addressed his attorney wife Kendra Robinson announcing her plans to divorce him during a recent episode of the Yung Joc & The Streetz Morning Takeover Show.

Joc and Kendra have been married since 2021 but news outlet Atlanta Black Star recently shared a photograph of him looking very cozy with a woman who is not his wife.

“I woke my wife up and said, ‘Hey, let me [talk to you] before you wake up in the morning and see any of this,'” he said after revealing he could not sleep the night prior.

He denied being cuddled up with the woman and that he was only trying to smooth things over between her, Tamar Braxton and a third individual.

The rapper shared a text message from Kendra which reads: “I’m divorcing Jasiel, mom. A blog has accused him of cheating on me so I’m done,” she wrote.

The rapper evidently does not want a divorce and is fighting for his marriage.

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