Alec & Hilaria Baldwin were incredibly toxic with each other on a red carpet

4 hours ago 2

Last week, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin attended the opening (reopening??) of Planet Hollywood in New York. Hilaria wore a neon dress and they did the red carpet. They stopped by several media outlets on the carpet and gave joint interviews, not only to promote Planet Hollywood, but also to hype their terrible TLC reality show. Well, those interviews have been going viral for a whole week as people analyze Alec and Hilaria’s horrible dynamic. While I think both Hilaria and Alec are batsh-t crazy, these interviews definitely had the feeling of a married couple who fought in the car on the way over. What’s even worse is that they probably thought they were coming across as “playful” but really, they look toxic as hell. This is the clip which has gotten the most attention:

This is actually the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

— Natalie Jean Beisner (@NJBeisner) March 18, 2025

Yeah, I don’t know what I should even say here? I will say this: while Hilaria is absolutely rude and awful to Alec, don’t miss the fact that Alec is incredibly annoyed with her already and that he’s almost goading her for a reaction. I also think that Alec obviously “knows how to act” on a red carpet, he knows how to do these kinds of interviews, while Hilaria sees a bank of cameras and thinks only one thing “MEEEEEE!!! THEY’RE HERE FOR ME!” They’re both two of the biggest jackasses I’ve ever seen, and I still want to know when Alec realized that he was thoroughly conned by this fake-Spanish nutcase.

Alec Baldwin tries to compliment Hilaria, telling her “I’m captivated by your beauty.” Her response? “Stop. Just stop. You’re annoying me.” 😳

🚨 This is wild to watch—on the RED CARPET, no less. Public humiliation, dominance, total dismissal. Classic narcissistic control.


— Revealing (@RVealingthenarc) March 18, 2025

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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