Arsenal fan found guilty of assaulting Roy Keane

4 weeks ago 9

Arsenal fan Scott Law, 43, has been found guilty of assaulting former Manchester United captain Roy Keane.

Law, who is from Essex, had pleaded not guilty to a charge of common assault against Keane following an incident on September 3 last year.

Arsenal recorded a 3-1 win over United at the Emirates Stadium while Keane worked as a pundit. After the match, the former Republic of Ireland international was headbutted through a set of doors by Law.

Sky Sports colleague Micah Richards, who intervened and forced Law to distance himself away from Keane, also gave evidence during the trial.

Richards said: “I felt sorry for Roy.

“Just because of the fact you’ve come to work, to do your job and you’ve been assaulted.

“I could see he was physically shaken up. You do what any friend would do, or any colleague, step in and try to help the situation.”

Law went on trial last week after pleading not guilty to a charge of common assault in relation to the incident.

However, Law was found guilty of the attack at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court this morning, as per The Mirror.

Law’s defence team alleged that CCTV footage from inside the stadium, shown in court, displayed Keane elbowing the defendant in the face.

They were clutching for straws, therefore, had to leave court with their tails between the legs.

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